I bought this yarn over a year ago at Mosaic so this was a no brainer. I've been debating for the last few weeks what to do with it. I pulled it out and sit it on my desk to contemplate my choices...Mystic Lace Mystery KAL, Clapotis, or my own made up pattern. I decided that this was perfect for the pattern. Tonight I think I'll try to swatch a bit and see which needle gives the best look to the stitches.
I may even go nuts with the pattern and switch it up a bit by making it more wrap like than scarf. I have 1000 yds of yarn so I think I have enough to widen the scarf by casting on double the stitch count and knitting more repeats until I run out of yarn. Math may need to be used to figure this one out...oh no. More to come on this project which is to be cast on this Saturday.
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