Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The End is so Close

The end of a test knitting project is so close...don't want to jink myself just yet. Only 20 or so rows left on this lace project. I have not counted the number because I tend to mess up when I know I'm about to finish. I guess I get too excited and make stupid errors...like last night.

I was moving right along thinking ahead to how many rows I could finish before bedtime. Then I get to the end of the first row of the last chart and I have 6 stitches left rather than the 5 I was expecting. I went back to the start of the row and started counting and double checking...yep I messed up on the 3rd repeat of almost 20 repeats of the pattern. You'd think that by now I'd be really conscious of how to do a proper sl1-k2tog-psso now wouldn't you...the pattern has had a ton of them. For unknown reasons I decided that I should do sl1-k1-psso. Why you ask? I have NO IDEA except to drive me up one wall and down the otherside. I had to tink back well over half of 400 stitches of merino lace to fix the stitch and re-knit back to the end of row 383. I continued on and completed a few more rows before I decided it was time to sleep. Maybe I'll get alot more done tonight when I sit down to knit.

I'm looking forward to finishing this week..pics to be posted once the designer gives her permission.

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