Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My First Socks

I have finally finished my first pair of socks! Yeah Me!! I absolutely love these socks. The pattern is Jitterbug's Simple Sock (on the ball band) on size 1 DPN's using Jitterbug's to follow. The first sock took about a week to complete due to some problems that I kept repeating- namely when I turned the heel I knitted on the wrong side not once, twice or even three times! It was way more than that, lost count and ripped back at least 6 times. What was I thinking...well not thinking I guess would be the correct term here. I finally had the light bulb moment and turned the sock around so I was knitting on the correct size and finished up pretty quick. I thought the grafting would be difficult, but it wasn' long as I took my time & thought about which needle I was on all was well on my first Kitchner attempt.

The 2nd sock I started while on a ski trip and took the whole week to complete with only one major rip out...for some reason when I picked up the heel stitches one side was all wonky. Of course I didn't realize this until I was about to decrease for the toes & tried the sock on first...debated on just finishing it the way it was, but thought better of it and ripped back to the heel and redid the whole thing. I love the socks....another addiction coming up.

Jitterbug Socks