Friday, April 25, 2008

Dye Job

Achieved another new thing in the land of knit...dying yarn. Yep, I got the Koolaid out, mixed it up, and painted some undyed yarn (Kraemer Natural-Jeannie). The yarn & koolaid were in a swag bag that my Mom & I got last June at Mosaic's Hokie Healing Project. (Side Note: the Hokie Healing Project involved over 8000 eight inch squares from knitters all over the world. A group of knitters decended upon Blacksburg last June & turned the squares into blankets for the families of those killer & injured at Virginia Tech last April. Scroll down to May through July entries at Mosaic's website for pictures.)

Mom asked what to do with her skein this past weekend and I offered to dye it for her. Yesterday I was to get the job done since it was so warm and sunny outside. First I had to take the ball of yarn and reskein it using my swift. I tied off the skein using cotton yarn in 3 equal sections. By tying off using a "figure 8" at each point I was able to easily remove the skein from the swift without making an absolute mess out of it. I must say that it worked like a tangles and it was easily put back on the swift to wind back into a ball once it was dry.

To start the dying process I first added warm water and a splash of vinegar to the stock pot I use for washing socks...then added the yarn to soak. While that was happening I mixed up the 2 koolaid packages (black cherry & orange) with 1/4 cup of warm water. Once the yarn had been totally saturated with water I squeezed out the excess and placed the yarn into baking dish.

I then used a couple of stencil brushes to "paint" the colors on the skein. I randomly placed the colors throughout the skein letting the colors move into each other...Hokie Yarn was born. The directions called for you to cook the yarn in the microwave for 2 minutes, let it sit for 2 minutes, then finish off for another 2 minutes of cooking time. Once it had cooled down enough to handle I ran tepid water on it until the water was clear...this only took a minute. It looks pretty good although it seems to be more orangy red than burgundy. I now must have a full sized skein so I have enough yarn to for socks. Oh no...more yarn to buy!

Pictures to follow once Blogger let's me do that...tired of the waiting.

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