Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Boring...No Way!

Still knitting my evenings away on the Lace Ribbon "Wrap" that I've been involved with since the April 19th knit off with the Mosaic Maniacs from Raverly. I'm getting through the repeats faster as I go...can now knit through a whole pattern repeat (24 rows) before bedtime. If I make bedtime after 11:30 PM...I'm usually so close to finishing that I stay up past my usual time so it can be finished.

Today I weighed the yarn to see how much further it will go...about half way or so at the moment. Out of a total weight of 227 grams I still have one unused ball of about 84 grams, working ball of 50 grams and 93 grams of knitted yarn. So all that checking on how much yarn is left to knit means is that I think I will have enough yarn to get this to a minimum of 60"...maybe. It's now measuring out to about 26 inches unblocked.

Loving how this is coming along so far...I've been able to catch errors pretty quickly without ripping out or even tinking back. Yeah, I know that the Knitting Gods are going to smite me down any day now, but I'm feeling pretty happy about this project. I'd like to get this thing done in the next couple of weeks so I can start on a few summer tops. Finding it difficult to focus on those with the KAL going on too...pressure is a good thing in one's life right?

Friday, April 25, 2008

Dye Job

Achieved another new thing in the land of knit...dying yarn. Yep, I got the Koolaid out, mixed it up, and painted some undyed yarn (Kraemer Natural-Jeannie). The yarn & koolaid were in a swag bag that my Mom & I got last June at Mosaic's Hokie Healing Project. (Side Note: the Hokie Healing Project involved over 8000 eight inch squares from knitters all over the world. A group of knitters decended upon Blacksburg last June & turned the squares into blankets for the families of those killer & injured at Virginia Tech last April. Scroll down to May through July entries at Mosaic's website for pictures.)

Mom asked what to do with her skein this past weekend and I offered to dye it for her. Yesterday I was to get the job done since it was so warm and sunny outside. First I had to take the ball of yarn and reskein it using my swift. I tied off the skein using cotton yarn in 3 equal sections. By tying off using a "figure 8" at each point I was able to easily remove the skein from the swift without making an absolute mess out of it. I must say that it worked like a dream...no tangles and it was easily put back on the swift to wind back into a ball once it was dry.

To start the dying process I first added warm water and a splash of vinegar to the stock pot I use for washing socks...then added the yarn to soak. While that was happening I mixed up the 2 koolaid packages (black cherry & orange) with 1/4 cup of warm water. Once the yarn had been totally saturated with water I squeezed out the excess and placed the yarn into baking dish.

I then used a couple of stencil brushes to "paint" the colors on the skein. I randomly placed the colors throughout the skein letting the colors move into each other...Hokie Yarn was born. The directions called for you to cook the yarn in the microwave for 2 minutes, let it sit for 2 minutes, then finish off for another 2 minutes of cooking time. Once it had cooled down enough to handle I ran tepid water on it until the water was clear...this only took a minute. It looks pretty good although it seems to be more orangy red than burgundy. I now must have a full sized skein so I have enough yarn to for socks. Oh no...more yarn to buy!

Pictures to follow once Blogger let's me do that...tired of the waiting.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Still Knitting...Always

Still knitting away on the Lace Ribbon Scarf for the Mosaic Maniacs KAL project...love, love love it! A total of 4 pattern repeats and still going strong. I seem to be averaging one pattern repeat a evening (24 rows) which considering how big I've modified the "scarf" is a good thing. The wrap is 116 stitches wide so I have 12 sets of the pattern going on. Amazingly fast I think to be this far along...helps that I've had some time during the day to knit this week. The all day rains and waiting for Verizon to set up our new service has aided in getting so much completed.

Next week will be a different story with the pretty weather I have several outdoor projects that will start up. Let's hope I'm able to knit during the evening. I'm also still playing with swatches for a couple of tank tops that I should start soon. My gauge has been awful...don't have a clue as to why that is. I may throw caution to the wind and knit as I have done before and cast on anyway. The Etrusca tank is on hold for a few weeks to allow for anymore pattern errors to show up. Angela emailed me with one this past week so I think I'll hold off for another couple of weeks before starting this one.

Monday, April 21, 2008


I'm making good progress on the Lace Ribbon Scarf (wrap in my case) that I'm doing as part of the Mosaic Maniacs KAL. I have modified the cast on from 53 sts. up to 108 stitches so that it will be wide enough to use as a wrap. At least it looks wide enough on the needles...so now I only have to worry if I'll have enough yarn for a nice length wrap. I have a backup plan if the worse happens...either buy more Blue Heron Egyptian Merc. Cotton or use my leftover stash of Handmaiden Sea Silk in Storm to edge both ends.

So far I've completed the 2 pattern repeats the KAL Moderator suggested we have done by the end of this week. My hope is to be several repeats into the wrap by the weekend. The pattern has been very easy to memorize and read as I work so it's going pretty quickly. I have not used a lifeline yet, but probably should add one now...better safe than sorry.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Casting On Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the start of the Lace Ribbon Scarf KAL with the Mosaic Maniacs on Raverly. As I mentioned a few days ago I'll be using the Blue Heron Eygtian Mercenized Cotton in a colorway called Leaf...very Springlike with greens, blues and a touch of yellow.

I've tried swatching to see how this is going to work with the pattern. First I tried out the Addi #2's which didn't really show the stitches as defined as I would have liked. So I moved up to my Harmony #4's...well I tried to until I broke the needle. Yes, that makes 2 Harmony #4's broken in a 2 week span. The first broken needle wasn't any doings of mine, but I can't say that about this mishap. I put my hand right down on top of it as I was answering my phone...then to compound the screwup no one was on the phone.

Rather than call Customer Service again I just tried using the superglue trick. I've tugged & twisted it and it appears to be fine. My guess is that it will be until I'm well into the project, then all will go "k-flooey". My DH thinks these are too fine with too many layers to be used in the way they are being used...screwed on the end of a cable in this case. He may be right...they are beautiful, just not very strong which is sad.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

More Edge & Some Sock

Finally finished one of the sleeves on the Shaped Edge Sweater. I think it took longer to do that sleeve than it did to knit the front or back. I wonder why? I've been knitting on this for at least a week. Who know's it might be longer than that since it seems like it's taken forever. I have been really trying to clear out this last item so I can move on to some fun knits...just not working fast enough obviously.
The Edge is looking pretty good now that I have a sleeve to fit in with the back & front. One problem may be the sleeve length once I actually get to the point of putting this thing together. I didn't modify the length since I do have long arms, but this sleeve sure does looks loooong. I may have to roll them back and have a cuff if that happens...I will not rip an entire sleeve back just for length...that's crazy talk at this point.

Since this has taken so long I've been rethinking the order of other projects... maybe I should go ahead with some tank top patterns instead of the 2nd sleeve. Afterall, it's time for warm weather things! The 2nd sleeve hasn't been cast on so I won't worry about not remembering where I am in the pattern. Yep, I've talked myself right into it, next up will be one of the tank tops I'd like done before it gets too hot around here.

As for progress on our neighborhood 1st sock knitting group...I've gotten past the heel flap a week or 2 ago and am now waiting for the group to catch up. Since everyone else is only an inch or three into the cuff portion of their socks I just may go ahead and finish sock 1 and start the 2nd sock. I think I should be able to jump ahead and still have a sock to demonstrate the heel flap when they get to that point.
Then both of my socks will be done when I finish teaching everyone how knit socks. We may get together this weekend and see how everyone's is coming along with their knitting...maybe I'll be able to get some progress pictures to post.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Remember the 32

One year ago today the Virginia Tech Community was horrified by the actions of one individual. Words cannot express the deep sadness that I feel for those lost on this date one year ago. I hope that those left behind are able to find peace and know that the entire Hokie Nation grieves with them in the loss of their loved ones.

Please take a moment today to remember those lost on this one year anniversary of the shootings.

"Take time to remember the legacies, remember the dreams and remember the talent that our community has lost. I hope you are inspired to work harder to honor the 32. Share your talents with the world for the 32. Achieve your dreams for the 32. Be more compassionate, friendly and thoughtful for the 32. Be better, for the 32."

words spoken by SGA President Adeel Khan last August at the dedication of the permanent Memorial for the 32 lost on April 16th, 2007

Never Forget

Ross A. Alameddine
Christopher James Bishop
Brian R. Bluhm
Ryan Christopher Clark
Austin Michelle Cloyd
Jocelyne Couture-Nowak
Daniel Alejandro Perez Cueva
Kevin P. Granata
Matthew Gregory Gwaltney
Caitlin Millar Hammaren
Jeremy Michael Herbstritt
Rachael Elizabeth Hill
Emily Jane Hilscher
Jarrett Lee Lane
Matthew Joseph La Porte
Henry J. Lee
Liviu Librescu
G.V. Loganathan
Partahi Mamora Halomoan Lumbantoruan
Lauren Ashley McCain
Daniel Patrick O’Neil
Juan Ramon Ortiz-Ortiz
Minal Hiralal Panchal
Erin Nicole Peterson
Michael Steven Pohle, Jr.
Julia Kathleen Pryde
Mary Karen Read
Reema Joseph Samaha
Waleed Mohamed Shaalan
Leslie Geraldine Sherman
Maxine Shelly Turner
Nicole Regina White

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stash Busting...1 Year Later

I selected the yarn to use for the Mosaic Maniac's Lace Ribbon KAL...Blue Heron's Egyptian Mercenized Cotton...now there's a mouthful.

I bought this yarn over a year ago at Mosaic so this was a no brainer. I've been debating for the last few weeks what to do with it. I pulled it out and sit it on my desk to contemplate my choices...Mystic Lace Mystery KAL, Clapotis, or my own made up pattern. I decided that this was perfect for the pattern. Tonight I think I'll try to swatch a bit and see which needle gives the best look to the stitches.

I may even go nuts with the pattern and switch it up a bit by making it more wrap like than scarf. I have 1000 yds of yarn so I think I have enough to widen the scarf by casting on double the stitch count and knitting more repeats until I run out of yarn. Math may need to be used to figure this one out...oh no. More to come on this project which is to be cast on this Saturday.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring is for Growing...As in WIP's

How many WIP's can a person actively work on? I have no idea, but I'll be adding one more to my nightly knitting. The Mosaic Maniacs group on Ravelry is going to knit the Lace Ribbon Scarf from the Spring Knitty as a KAL starting next Saturday. I'm excited that I already have yarn in the stash...only have to decided between the koigu and the fleece artist.

Although I don't really have too many items on my needles at the moment. I've been swatching for a tank top...Soleil since last week. Currently at a stand still waiting for a needle replacement to arrive...more coming up about that problem. I find for the first time in a long time I've had difficulty obtaining the correct gauge for this tank which is 22 sts/33 rows. The yarn I love to use in the summer...Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in the color "Teddy Bear" usually knits at 5 stitches per inch on size 6 needles...which would be about 20 stitches over the 4 inch swatch.

I first started out using my Knit Picks Options size 6, then my Harmony Options size 5's. When I tried to use my 4's, however, there was a problem with one of my needles...the cable and the hub fell apart before I could attach the cable. What the heck was up with that? These were a gift from my oldest and had not been out of the package so I called Customer Service and a new needle has been shipped....Yeah! So the tank is on hold at the moment. I cannot figure out why I keep getting 16-18 stitches, but maybe it'll will all come together later this week.

Also working up a few other tanks...summer is coming and I live in tank tops. My other 2 projects are Chick Knits Cami with wide straps in Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in Nymph. The last pattern is a new pattern from Angela Hahn called Etrusca. Angela designed the Lutea Tank found in last Summer's Interweave Knits that I loved so much I knit 2 of them for myself. I'm going to try and use the Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in Harvest... stash busting on this one...the rest I had to buy.

I love all of these so I need to get busy and get the gauges correct so I can have something new to wear as the weather gets warmer.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sunshiny Day for Summer Radiance

I'm not sure that 'sunshiny' is the proper use of the English Language, but it's fitting today. It has been quite a few days since the sun has shone as brightly as today. I took the opportunity to get a few pictures of Summer Radiance in natural light.

The darn thing is difficult to get a nice picture of due to its size, but I certainly tried numerous times. Don't you just love the digital camera! The full length size really does give an idea of how large the shawl is. If I were to do another shawl I might consider dropping charts 10-11 & maybe a portion of the fern leaf pattern...not sure it would work, but I'd prefer a shorter triangle if I were to keep & wear it.

The shorter length would allow me to wear it sideways rather than down the back. I don't really like the peak going down the middle of my back...yes, I'm one of those that thinks it makes me look/feel like an "old lady". Only my personnel preference and not a reflection of the original design which has been my obsession these last 2 months. I'm hoping that the intended receipient adores it as much as I do...

We'll see about that in a few weeks time...stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

WhooHoo I'm Done!

I have finished the lace test knit for Laura at Dragonwing Arts. She is calling her design Summer Radiance which is fitting since it has a few nature inspired elements...fern leaves is the first element to be knitted. The ferns plus a little "vine" started basically from the tip upwards through the first 9 charts. The section definitely reminds me of a maiden hair fern leaf.

My favorite section was towards the end (charts 12 through 14)...not because it was almost done, but I loved what appeared to be leaves marching two by two upwards. Those charts were very easily memorized and any error was quickly noticed...I loved that part. NO TINKING of frogging back to the life line for the entire 3 chart sequence...a first for me.

The worst section for me to knit was the last chart, but I think that my brain was still on sick leave and wasn't as focused as I could have been. It was this area where I made an error by forgetting to YO and I didn't catch on that the patterning on that particular element was a wee bit off. My decision to not rip back 3 rows is something I can live with...although I may try to correct it with some creative manipulation if it starts to bother me. Can anyone see the error?

Overall I thoughly enjoyed knitting lace...my first big lace project. Everything else has had small bits of lace thrown into the mix. Must have liked (loved) it since nothing else really was knitted on while this was underway.

Pattern: Summer Radiance Shawl designed by Laura of Dragonwing Arts

Yarn: Malabrigo Lace in Indigo

Needles: Addi Lace size 5 on a 60" cable

Size: Unblocked- Top 64" Sides 62" Blocked- Top 64" Sides 62"

Once the sun comes back out...if it ever does I hope to do the shawl justice with a great photo of the blocked rendition.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

More Problems

Woops I messed it up again...started to purl on the even row just like I was supposed to do only I didn't carry on until I had finished the entire row of 395 stitches. I do not remember when I switched to knitting. Thankfully I caught the error when I was 3/4's of the way through the row. I only had to tink back maybe 300 or so stitches...could have been worse.

Since that little mishap cost me 30 minutes of knitting, unknitting and then reknitting I didn't get much accomplished on finishing the darn project. My positive side thought I'd get through at least half of the chart before it got too late. Really need to pay attention tonight and see how it goes.

I also have been knitting on the sock for our neighborhood sock class...not pleased with the yarn & how it's knitting up. Maybe it's the 25% nylon content, but the sock looks way to big. I'm using size 2 needles and a basic sock pattern I've used quite a few times with great sucess. I think I will switch down to #1's when I get to the heel and finish off with those. The patterning is looking nice...hopefully I can get a match when I start the second sock .

The yarn is Chicago from Wisdom Yarns...75% superwash wool and 25% polyamide. The color is 232: navy, light blue, white, a odd pink (flesh color) and a tan. The pattern moves from stripes to stripes with a blotch of color resembling blocks as you knit around. I like the patterning just not happy with the feel of this sock. Maybe it will impove...but if not it's a class sock for demo purposes.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The End is so Close

The end of a test knitting project is so close...don't want to jink myself just yet. Only 20 or so rows left on this lace project. I have not counted the number because I tend to mess up when I know I'm about to finish. I guess I get too excited and make stupid errors...like last night.

I was moving right along thinking ahead to how many rows I could finish before bedtime. Then I get to the end of the first row of the last chart and I have 6 stitches left rather than the 5 I was expecting. I went back to the start of the row and started counting and double checking...yep I messed up on the 3rd repeat of almost 20 repeats of the pattern. You'd think that by now I'd be really conscious of how to do a proper sl1-k2tog-psso now wouldn't you...the pattern has had a ton of them. For unknown reasons I decided that I should do sl1-k1-psso. Why you ask? I have NO IDEA except to drive me up one wall and down the otherside. I had to tink back well over half of 400 stitches of merino lace to fix the stitch and re-knit back to the end of row 383. I continued on and completed a few more rows before I decided it was time to sleep. Maybe I'll get alot more done tonight when I sit down to knit.

I'm looking forward to finishing this week..pics to be posted once the designer gives her permission.