Thursday, March 01, 2012

Behind and It's Only March 1st

Looks like I'm already starting from behind on my March sock and it's not my fault.  I ordered new needles last week to use for the pattern I chose for March.  I was pretty excited to get the package the day BEFORE I needed to cast on the socks.  I was less than thrilled to find the contents of the packages damaged. 

Both needles are broken, therefore, no casting on will be happening today.  I guess I should have gone for metal rather than wooden ones.  A call was made and thankfully 2 more needles are heading my way...just won't be here to cast on new socks on March 1st.  That's unfortunate...behind before I've even gotten the chance to begin. 

1 comment:

Mountaingmom said...

what a bummer. Sorry about your needles. I can't use mettal needles, they hurt my hands.