Friday, February 17, 2012

One Down...with a Twist

Uh oh...
Yeah me!  I finished the first Herringbone sock last night.  It's amazing what progress can be made when actual knitting occurs on a project.  Although the first sock is done...including all the ends woven & toe 'kitchenered' has a problem.  A rather important problem.  It does not fit on my foot...easily.

Oh I can get it on, but I must pull & tug the heel portion rather harshly.  Once it's pulled up over the heel the sock fits great.  For whatever reason this sock that claims "the bold ribs add stretch for a more forgiving fit" lies.  Simple as that...the fit is not forgiving at my ankle.  In fact I'm amazed I haven't pulled it apart given the amount of stress I've applied.

Man it's tight...
Up & over...

Stay tuned for the second sock.  I'm going to make a few changes to the second one and hopefully get one that will glide up & over my heel.


Mountaingmom said...

That seems to be my problem everytime I make socks. If you solve it, let me know how.

Cindi and Bill said...

Mountaingmom, I'll keep you posted on how it turns out. I have no idea what I did different, but it doesn't like going over the heel. Second sock is coming along nicely...