Progress is being made on a test knit for Laura at
Dragonwingarts. I'm up to chart 5 of 15 so I'm almost 1/3 finished with the shawl. I'm still enjoying the knitting even through some boneheaded mistakes on my part. You would think that counting would be easy at my age wouldn't you? Evidently 8 is too large a number for me to knit & count at the same time. Might have to count out loud as I knit the stitches...that'll drive DH crazy won't it?

Edge sweater is also coming along. I'm up to the armpits & starting the decreasing for those. The front really should be done by midweek and I'll post pics when there's more to show. I'm thinking the sweater will not be worn this season unless March gets really cold. No need to be much in a rush to finish I don't reckon.
I really like the shape of the sweater. The diagonal 'shaping' looks to be very flattering...I hope so anyway.
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