Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More Yarn...

In about a week's time I have once again bought new yarn for the stash. Actually less than a week...first the Yarn Lounge 3rd year birthday sale. As mentioned before I did buy yarn that I wasn't actually seeking, but fell for once I saw the sweater all knit up. At least it all was on sale. No excuse for buying yarn on my trip to Blacksburg's Mosaic. I was only going to look and possibly buy yarn for the Purl Jam event in June. D mentioned that G was ordering all the colors so you'd think that would squelch the urge...no the need to buy anything. However in my defense they had more of the Frog Tree 100% alpaca in bulky weight...in HOKIE colors that I fell in love with last fall. It seems that the company dyed up a batch in chicago maroon & burnt orange last year after the tragedy. So now I have a ruffled edge scarf in the works thanks to D's help. That wasn't the end of the yarn purchases though because I also discovered some Prism Lace Wool in Alpine. The skein has over 1400 yds so who could resist...not me anyway. Now I'm on a "yarn diet" until the Purl Jam event. I don't need anymore because it's not likely that I will run out of projects in the next several months. Let's see how it goes...

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