Thursday, June 04, 2009

Now it's Etrusca Turn

Finally getting around to knitting a pattern called Etrusca I bought a year ago from Angela Hahn. Really. A year...jeez. I swatched the darn thing over a year ago and was all set and then...nothing. I put all the yarn in it's project bag and promptly forgot it. Why? No idea. Now the next question: Do I redo the swatch? Mmmm, nope I've thrown caution to the wind and cast on last night.

After knitting a few hours and finishing the bottom lace section I packed it in for the night. You know what's coming don't you? Today I found a much for starting last night. Now I'm ripping back to the first 4 rows to restart the lace pattern. Admittedly I noticed last night that it looked funky, but kept on knitting. You'd think I'd stop and examine why it looked weird? Yeah, you'd think that, but noooo not me so today I'm frogging. At least I noticed before I got so far that I'd consider calling it my "interpretation of the design".

Y'all see the problem?

How about now?

If you said where the heck are all the slip stitch columns you'd be correct. I forgot to move the yarn to the front on every single column while knitting on the wrong side. There you have it...moving along & paying better attention. For now.

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