Wednesday, June 04, 2008


This is where I was yesterday afternoon when I took time for a photo shoot...I was much further along when I discovered I had a problem. Once again my thoughts got ahead of my fingers while knitting on a new project. I started the Chicknits Ribby Shell last week when I finished the Lace Ribbon Wrap. Really moving along on it too with about 8" completed...then I noticed it. A glitch. A BIG one. All the way down to just past the 2" ribbed edge.

Can you see it? The ribbing at the far left just stopped being ribbing...not once, but 3 different times! I had managed to knit my first 2" of ribbing and start on the body just fine, but then...a royal screwup. One that I had not noticed until I was over 8 1/2" into the body and started thinking ahead to the armhole shaping. As I was smoothing the surface & admiring how far I had knit in just a day I noticed that on one side I was somehow off in the patterning....what the? As I counted the ribbed section on one side and came up with 13 sets I started to sweat...not going to be 13 on the other side. Nope, only 10...I had changed the purled stitches to knit for 3 sets of ribbing and never caught it.

I first thought no problem I'd just unravel the 2 stitches of each set that had been knitted and switch them to purl stitches. It started out well, but as I continued up the section the tension got much too loose. After several attempts to get it all even and tight to match the surrounding area I had to reach the realization that I was going to have to frog back a very long way. It was already well after 11:30 PM and I knew that I had to at least rip back or I'd not sleep well.

The frogging began and took over 30 minutes to get ripped, wrapped and back on the needles. Of course I had to knit/purl around a few rows to make sure everything was back on track. At 1:30 PM I was all set with my knitting back on course and really ready to go to bed. At least I didn't dream about the problem all night.

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