Saturday, January 28, 2012

Startitis...Is that a Real Word?

I don't think you'll find 'startitis' in Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, but maybe they'll add it.  Every knitter I know has suffered from it from time to time.  It only has one cure that I know of and that requires you to throw all caution to the wind and get busy.  Which I have been...busy looking through ALL my books, magazines, Ravelry and whatever else I can get my hands on to try and scratch that itch known as startitis.  Not to mention I've been looking through the stash and deciding that I maybe I don't have the proper yarn.  Why oh why is that always the case!

At the moment I have pitifully little on the needles and have been fighting against starting 10 other things.  I keep hoping that it will pass and I'll maintain some order.  I only have 2 inches left on my Sock Club January sock...good thing too since I only have until the 31st to finish it.  All that's left is a Hokie Hat that has languished on my needles for way too long and a Josephine Shawl.  That's it until I start my next sock on February 1st.  It's why I'm having a terrible case of itchy fingers to cast on something interesting.  I keep pulling out my sweater patterns, but cannot for the life of me figure out which one to start...maybe I should just go ahead and cast on all of them.  Wouldn't that be a trip...maintain my sanity and keep straight each sweater.

How would you choose between  Peabody by Leila Raabe which was in BrooklynTweed (Jared Flood) Fall 2011 collections of patterns.  I'm in love with the front lace panel of this sweater...not to mention the lovely orange color.  The next sweater on the list is  Velynda by Bonnie Marie Burns of Chicknits.  I adore anything cabled and my dear husband always compliments anything I knit that has lots of cables.  One that I've dreamed about since the magazine showed up is the Leif Slipover by Adrienne Lawson.  Maybe dreaming about it should give this one the edge.  The last one is Eadon by Susanna IC.  I have had this in the queue for a while and still have not actually bought the pattern which intrigues me. 

How would you whittle it down to one?  Anyone?

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