BFL and Merino |
Well over a year ago I decided that I really wanted to learn how to spin my very own yarn. Yeah, like I already don't have enough fiber in the house I wanted to add to the collection. Not to mention the tools that would need to be bought...good grief I'm getting itchy thinking about it! My dear husband even mentioned that I should take up spinning...'it would be cheaper'! Hahaha, that got me laughing because he has NO IDEA what trouble I could get into if spinning takes over my mind.
My first drop spin |
Anyway my dear brother-in-law just happened to mention while visiting that he'd love to make a spinning wheel...oh be still my heart. Problem was I had no idea what I wanted or for that matter what I needed in a spinning wheel, not to mention I had no idea if I even liked spinning. I bought a drop spindle and a small bag of merino roving and started playing. I figured that I taught myself to knit so why couldn't I teach myself to spin on a drop spindle. I did find great book/dvd
Respect the Spindle by Abbie Franquemont to help the process along. Not to mention all the videos and information I found online that proved very helpful.
silk hankie |
first handspun yarn |
My first 'spun yarn' was definitely not much to look at...thick and thin with 'slubs' all along it, but it was my first spun yarn. Of course things got busy I lost focus and stopped playing with the spindle until a few months ago. In December I managed to take a beginning drop spindle class at a local shop,
Holly Spring Homespun taught by Daryll Sneden. It really helped jump start the spinning bug again. She showed us how to spin all kinds of fibers, even silk hankies. I had never plied yarn before and she showed us how to do that as well. I started practicing everyday until I was out of roving. By the time I had finished spinning the singles and plying everything I ended up with a whole 55 ounces! Not a huge amount, but each spindle full of fiber looked better than the previous one. Wow! It's true that practice does make perfect! I even used some of my yarn in knitting some miniature sweater ornaments for a few special friends and family.
Christmas has replenished the supply and now I really need to set aside time to spin. I'd love a wheel, but still no idea what type. Yet.
mini handspun sweater ornament |
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