Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Another Shot

I tried another shot at dying yarn with koolaid. What colors....the Hokie combination of orange & back cherry what else would I use? Of course forgot to take pics as I went...the brain is not up to par this week. I did remember to get before & after shots of the yarn so that will have to do. This skein turned out somewhat different than Mom's....I tried to actually paint lines into the yarn. Not sure it worked out as planned, but the colors mixing are nice. Next may need to lay the yarn out in long sections and plan to paint individual strings. Wonder how that would turn out? Would I get nice changes on colors or a muddy blending when it was knit up.

This weekend I'm planning on dropping into Mosaic and buy some Kraemer Jeannie. I'd like to have enough to knit up some socks. These little cakes aren't enough for more than a skinny scarf. I'll have to find more black cherry koolaid if I go the Hokie color route with the socks...although I'm leaning toward another colorway. I'm thing a cool green lime maybe? It could match my current wip...lace ribbon wrap.

Too bad there is not more than 24 hours in my days. I have too much going on this month to add more...graduation & birthday cards to make, 3 days till oldest's VT graduation, windows to replace which leads to painting inside & out, and lastly painting the entire house as I go. Did I mention that the summer's heat is mixed into all this painting?

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