My new modified Coco handbag is almost dry & ready for photography- finally. It had in fact dried once, but after putting in the gromments and rings it just didn't look or feel felted tight enough. So back to the hot water. Almost dry so tomorrow it can all be put together and photographed.
I have finished half of my Emma shawl- it's looking a bit smaller than planned, but once it is blocked it should be a bit longer. I just hope it will be as long as I need it to be...don't want to feel like I "wasted" my Handmaiden Sea Silk!
I have finished half of my Emma shawl- it's looking a bit smaller than planned, but once it is blocked it should be a bit longer. I just hope it will be as long as I need it to be...don't want to feel like I "wasted" my Handmaiden Sea Silk!